
Posts Tagged ‘apartment’

Compass Pointe Renovation Update 6/28/10

June 28, 2010 Leave a comment

We’ve finished painting the first building of four and are now working on getting the siding up.  This place is already looking like a completely different property!  Check out the pictures below.


Compass Pointe Renovation Update 6/23/10

June 23, 2010 Leave a comment

As I said, the new handrails and stairs have been installed and we’re starting the paint.  I figured I’d give everyone a closer look at the goods.  Check out the pictures below for a before and after of the handrails and stairs, pretty big difference.  Also, check out the paint we’re going with on the siding and railing.  I think the difference between the siding and railing colors will give it good contrast and the dark railing is good for not showing dirt.  We’d like to hear your thoughts though so feel free to comment.

Like what you see?  Come visit us or call to schedule an appointment!  918.835.4195


Ashbury Court Apartments Renovation 1/20/10

January 22, 2010 Leave a comment

We just took over the management of Ashbury Court Apartments in Wichita, KS.  The new owner wanted new management and thought PIMCO was the best of the job.  This is a good property with 116 units conveniently located in South Wichita, close to McConnell AFB, Spirit, and Cessna.  A few of the units in one of the building had a fire before we took over so the whole building is getting a renovation.  Below are some photos of the work so far.  We expect these to be rent ready within about 30 days.  Many of them are getting new flooring, appliances, counters, paint, and windows.  Some are even getting new cabinets, all new bathrooms, hot water tanks, the works!

Current rent prices for a 2 bedroom / 1 bathroom unit is $425 with a $250 deposit and a 1 bedroom / 1 bathroom unit is $360 with a $200 deposit.  The units that are completely remodeled with everything new will most likely be somewhat higher priced.  To schedule a viewing of the property call (316) 684-5956.

Click here to watch a short video.

(913) 888-1250

Is Traditional Marketing Dead?

December 28, 2009 Leave a comment

FlatlineI wouldn’t call the time of death just yet but I do wonder how much longer traditional marketing will be able to survive.  The vital signs are not promising for the old lady as her heart rate is sinking ever lower to a critical state.  The heart rate of course being the amount of consumers utilizing traditional marketing tools to find their next apartment.  It’s no secret that more and more people every month are throwing out their Yellowbooks, cancelling their newspaper, and completely disregarding radio and television ads.  This is an alarming fact for the managers that are stuck in the old way of doing business and are not preparing themselves for the inevitable.

The great redistribution of leads has already been started but I’m afraid that it is only the beginning.  Since the inception of the internet (thank you Mr. Gore) consumers has steadily increased their reliance on the web for the research and finding of goods and services.  While the real estate industry has typically been a slow mover in the field of technology it is definitely coming around.  This change is not being driven by the industry but, as with all positive changes, by the market.  Consumers want to find out as much information as possible about a product from the comfort of their own home without talking to someone as possible.  Apartment shoppers are not different than TV or car shoppers; they are going to do their homework.  Homework as in at home – get it?

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PIMCO Heading to Wichita

December 18, 2009 Leave a comment

Wichita State Univeristy Mascot

It’s official, Property Investors’ Management Company is headed to the home of the Shockers and Barry Sanders to take over the management of what looks to be quite a few properties.  These deals do take quite a bit of time to put together so we don’t know for sure how much or exactly when we will take over but it’s looking very promising.  We know for sure we’ll have one property in Wichita by the New Year and probably a few more shortly thereafter.

This is especially exciting for me as I went to school at Wichita State University so I know the area pretty well.  Not to mention, I get to hang out with my old college friends while in town for business.

Don’t tell anyone but it looks like we’ll be going to Chicago and Florida too!  Stay tuned for more updates on what’s going on with The PIMCO as it appears we will have a very exciting 2010!

(913) 888-1250